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Players Guide

updated at: 02/02/2023 14:46

How to join and play a tournament on Arabesports?

Create a player account:

From the main website page hit “REGISTER” button, enter your information

  • Search and join a tournament:
  1. Sign in to your account, then brows the tournament and find a tournament to join.


  1. View the tournament main page by clicking on it so you can check tournament rules, prize, time and more.




  1. You can’t join a Teams’ tournament without a team (You can join a team from Teams Option on the top bar”. If you already have teammates, then you can just create one and invite them to join, then you can join the tournament with them. Click on join tournament to join. Next page is the registering page, each player must be inside team and owner of team will write each player summoner name. then hit “Join Tournament” button, congrats! You have joined the tournament.


How to invite players to Team
Go to your teams profile and press invite to team button - each player will receive invitation from you to join team.

Players will accept team or friend invites into 3 ways::

1st way: Notifications bottom left or right depends on website language  and it will popup once

2nd way: Notifications top left or right depends on website language at bell and if player delete the notifications by mistake  then  try 3rd way

3rd way you can accept requests from teams logo beside the bell.


  1. Match Room chat 

-Now all you need is to wait for organizer to start the tournament.
-When tournament is started you will get notified about your first match to play.
-You also need to join the match chat to contact with the other team and admins.
 -In match chat room, players will receive all lobby settings and other stuff about the match! For league of legends game, tournament code will be sent in chat and as notification. You can also press report match issue  by clicking on the button at match room chat. if you require any help from admins.

When the round is over, you can go back to chat room for next round info. When match all match rounds are over, and your team is the winner then you can follow the same steps to go to your next match. If you lost, don’t give up! Go and find a new tournament to play, Good luck!